海南省事业单位工作人员调动规定(试行)Provisions on Staff Transfer in Public Institutions of Hainan Province (Trial)


海南省人力资源和社会保障厅  海南省公安厅
Notice of Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Hainan Province and Hainan Provincial Public Security Department on Issuing the Provisions on Staff Transfer in Public Institutions of Hainan Province (Trial) 


Human Resources and Social Security Bureaus and Public Security Bureaus of Cities, Counties and Autonomous Counties, and departments concerned directly under the province,


In order to further standardize the staff transfer in public institutions, we have formulated the Provisions on Staff Transfer in Public Institutions of Hainan Province (Trial) (hereinafter referred to as these "Provisions") in accordance with the Regulation on the Personnel Management of Public Institutions and other laws and regulations, in addition to the actual conditions of our province. These Provisions are hereby issued for you to carry out earnestly.

海南省人力资源和社会保障厅 海南省公安厅

Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Hainan Province and Hainan Provincial Public Security Department


December 27, 2018


(This document is actively disclosed)

Provisions on Staff Transfer in Public Institutions of Hainan Province (Trial)

第一条  为贯彻落实习近平总书记在庆祝海南建省办经济特区30 周年大会上的重要讲话和《中共中央国务院关于支持海南全面深化改革开放的指导意见》精神,进一步规范事业单位工作人员调动工作,根据《事业单位人事管理条例》等法律法规,结合我省实际,制定本规定。

Article 1 To implement the important speech by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the 30th Anniversary for the Celebration of Hainan Provincial Special Economic Zone and the spirit of the Guiding Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Supporting Hainan in Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Opening-up, and further standardize the staff transfer in public institutions, these Provisions are hereby formulated in accordance with the Regulation on the Personnel Management of Public Institutions and other laws and regulations, in addition to the actual conditions of our province.

第二条  本规定所称事业单位工作人员调动包括三种情形:

Article 2 The staff transfer of public institutions as mentioned in these Provisions includes the following three cases:


(1) The job rotation of permanent staff in public institutions;


(2) The transfer of civil servants (staff from those units managed with reference to theLaw on Civil Servants) to public institutions;


(3) The movement of professional, technical and high-skilled talents in urgent need (e.g., management talents, teachers, doctors, and scientific researchers) from the state-owned enterprises, non-public economic organizations and social organizations to public institutions.


Where otherwise provided for the transfer of leaders in public institutions, such laws and regulations shall apply.

第三条  事业单位工作人员调动坚持德才素质与岗位要求相适应的原则,根据工作需要和资格条件,从严掌握,择优选用。

Article 3 The staff transfer of public institutions shall follow the principle of adapting their moral and professional qualities to the job requirements, and be strictly controlled and selected based on the work needs and qualifications.

第四条  事业单位工作人员调动,必须在规定的编制限额和岗位设置总量内进行,并有相应的岗位空缺。

Article 4 The staff transfer of public institutions must be done within the prescribed quota for staffing and the total number of post settings, with available job vacancies.

第五条  事业单位工作人员调动实行分级管理。各级事业单位人事综合管理部门按照管理权限和职责分工负责综合管理工作。事业单位主管部门及事业单位按照管理权限和职责分工负责相关具体工作:

Article 5 The staff transfer of public institutions shall be administered at different levels. The general personnel management departments of public institutions at all levels shall take charge of the general management according to their administration privileges and assignment of responsibilities. The competent departments of public institutions and the public institutions shall be liable for the specific work based upon their administration privileges and assignment of responsibilities:


(1)The general personnel management departments of provincial public institutions shall approve the transfer into the public institutions directly under the province and those subordinate to provincial departments (hereinafter referred to as "provincial public institutions").


(2)The staff movement among public institutions directly under the province shall be negotiated between the transferred and transferring institutions.


(3)The transfer from public institutions directly under the province to those subordinate to provincial departments shall be handled by the competent departments of the transferred institutions in consultation with the public institutions directly under the province; the transfer from public institutions subordinate to provincial departments to public institutions directly under the province shall be handled by the latter in consultation with the competent departments of transferring institutions.


(4)The transfer of personnel among public institutions subordinate to provincial departments shall be handled by the same competent department, if applicable; otherwise, the competent departments of the transferred institutions shall negotiate with those of transferring institutions for a solution.


(5)The transfer from provincial public institutions to other cities/counties or provinces shall be handled by such cities/counties, the transferring institutions or the competent departments of the transferring institutions.


(6) The staff transfer of public institutions in cities or counties shall be handled by their general personnel management departments.

第六条  有下列情形之一的,由事业单位人事综合管理部门统筹进行调动:

Article 6 The general personnel management departments of public institutions shall coordinate the transfer in any of the following:


(1)Personnel adjustment required to improve the staff structures of public institutions;


(2)Placement of redundant staff due to dismission, merger or reduction of staffing;


(3)Turnover of those staff not appropriate for their current positions; and


(4)Other special circumstances in need of personnel adjustment.

第七条  调动人员除应当具备法律、法规和有关政策规定的基本条件外,还应具有拟调动岗位所需相关资格条件及正常履行职责的其他条件。从国有企业、非公有制经济组织及社会组织调入事业单位的管理人才、教师、医生、科研人员等急需紧缺专业技术人才、急需紧缺高技能人才,年龄一般在50周岁以下。

Article 7 In addition to the basic conditions stipulated by laws, regulations and relevant policies, those to be transferred shall have the relevant qualifications required by the posts to be transferred and other conditions for the normal performance of duties. The professional, technical and high-skilled talents in urgent need (e.g., management talents, teachers, doctors, and scientific researchers) from the state-owned enterprises, non-public economic organizations and social organizations to public institutions shall be generally under 50 years old.

第八条  从国有企业、非公有制经济组织及社会组织调入事业单位的管理人才须聘任在管理六级及以上岗位,应具有大学专科以上文化程度及相当的任职资历。大学专科、大学本科、硕士研究生、博士研究生学历人员在调入前还应分别具有11年、10年、6年、3年及以上的相关管理工作经历。

Article 8 The management talents transferred from the state-owned enterprises, non-public economic organizations and social organizations to public institutions must be placed in managerial positions at Level 6 or above, and should hold the college degree or above, plus equivalent job qualifications. Junior college, undergraduate, master and doctoral candidates should, before transfer, have 11, 10, 6 and 3 years of management experience, respectively.

第九条  从国有企业、非公有制经济组织及社会组织调入省属事业单位的教师、医生、科研人员等急需紧缺专业技术人才,应具有相应正高级专业技术资格或担任副高级专业技术职务2年以上。调入市县事业单位的,应具有相应副高级以上专业技术资格。调入乡镇事业单位的,应担任中级以上专业技术职务2年以上,办结调动手续后5年内不得调出。

Article 9 The professional and technical talents in urgent need (e.g., teachers, doctors, and scientific researchers) transferred from the state-owned enterprises, non-public economic organizations and social organizations to provincial public institutions should have the senior professional and technical qualifications or hold the associate senior professional and technical positions for more than 2 years. Those transferred to the public institutions in cities or counties should have associate senior or above professional technical qualifications. Those transferred to the public institutions in towns or townships should have held intermediate or higher professional and technical posts for more than 2 years and not be transferred out within 5 years after completing the transfer procedures.

第十条  从国有企业、非公有制经济组织及社会组织调入省属事业单位的急需紧缺高技能人才,应具有高级技师资格和8年以上相关工作经历。调入市县事业单位的,应具有技师及以上资格和5年以上相关工作经历。

Article 10 The high-skilled talents in urgent need transferred from the state-owned enterprises, non-public economic organizations and social organizations to provincial public institutions should be provided with senior technician qualifications and more than 8 years of relevant working experience. Those transferred to the public institutions in cities or counties shall have technician qualification or above and relevant working experience for more than 5 years.

第十一条  有下列情形之一的,不得办理调动手续:

Article 11 No transfer formalities are allowed under any of the following circumstances:


(1)Being filed for investigation for violation of law and discipline;


(2)Failure to complete the minimum years of service as prescribed by laws, regulations and relevant policies;


(3)Failure to finish the probationary period of new recruitment (employment) or the trial period; and


(4)Other circumstances not eligible for transfer as prescribed by laws and regulations.

第十二条  事业单位人事综合管理部门应严格控制省内事业单位工勤人员调动。除符合相关政策规定的情形外,一般不得从省外调入工勤人员。

Article 12 The general personnel management departments of public institutions shall strictly control the transfer of workers and handymen in public institutions within the province. Except in accordance with the relevant policies, it is generally not allowed to transfer workers and handymen from outside the province.

第十三条  事业单位调动工作人员,须按照机构编制管理有关规定先行申办拟调人员空岗通知单。

Article 13 To transfer staff, public institutions must first apply for the job vacancy notice for those to be transferred according to the provisions on the establishment management.

第十四条  事业单位人员调入的办理,按如下程序进行:

Article 14 The staff transfer into public institutions shall be handled in the following procedures:


(1)Determine the job positions and conditions, and propose the staff transfer;


(2)Talk over the transfer;


(3)Make a reply;


(4)Organize investigations and discuss to make a decision;


(5)Public summons of staff transfer (no less than 5 working days);


(6)Issue the transfer notice;


(7)Forward the personnel archives.

第十五条  事业单位人员调出的办理,按如下程序进行:

Article 15  The staff transfer out of public institutions shall be handled in the following procedures:


(1)Make a reply;


(2)Cooperate with the investigation;


(3)Forward the personnel archives.

第十六条  调入、调出单位应在人员调入、调出后15个工作日内向同级事业单位人事综合管理部门、机构编制部门报送岗位、编制使用等情况。

Article 16 The transferred and transferring institutions shall, within 15 working days after the transfer, report the position and staffing details to the general personnel management departments of public institutions at the same level and the establishment departments.

第十七条  从省属事业单位之外调入省属事业单位的人员调动需提供以下材料:

Article 17 Those transferred to provincial public institutions from other institutions shall provide the following:


(1)Letter of Transfer;


(2)Job Vacancy Notice issued by the establishment department;


(3)Approval Form for Staff Transfer in Public Institutions or Approval Form for the Transfer of Civil Servants (Staff from Those Units Managed with Reference to the Law on Civil Servants) to State-owned Enterprises and Institutions(in quadruplicate);


(4)Public summons materials for staff transferred;


(5)The review materials and the review of personnel archives of those to be transferred (including age, length of service, party standing, education, experience, status of public institution staff or enterprise personnel or civil servants (staff from those units managed with reference to the Law on Civil Servants), and clean governance) as well as family planning;


(6)The minutes of the meeting when the transfer was decided upon in the collective discussion;


(7)The Registration Form of Those Transferred expected to be completed to handle the household registration.


For the staff transfer between provincial public institutions or public institutions in cities/counties, the handling departments (units) shall determine the materials to be provided or kept for future reference according to the preceding paragraph, where items (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) are required.

第十八条  调入单位凭《事业单位工作人员调动通知书》、《事业单位工作人员调动审批表》或《公务员(参公管理工作人员)调入国有企事业单位审批表》办理工资、社保关系转移接续、岗位聘用等手续。

Article 18 The transferred institutions should handle the transfer and continuation of salary, social security relations, job employment and other procedures based upon the Notification of Staff Transfer of Public Institution,

Approval Form for Staff Transfer in Public Institutions or Approval Form for the Transfer of Civil Servants (Staff from Those Units Managed with Reference to the Law on Civil Servants) to State-owned Enterprises and Institutions.

第十九条  调动必须遵守以下纪律:

Article 19 The transfer must comply with the following disciplines:


(1)The transferred and transferring institutions and their competent departments and the general personnel management departments of public institutions must strictly implement the policies and provisions on the personnel management of public institutions, and perform their duties strictly for careful examination and checks, never lowering standards or easing conditions at will;


(2)The transferring institutions shall give the truth and never promote the post level during the period of staff transfer; and


(3) Those to be transferred shall abide by the provisions, truthfully report matters and provide materials, but not violate the transfer discipline, forge or provide false materials and hide the truth.

第二十条  对违反本规定的调动事项,呈报的不予批准;已经办理的宣布无效并予以清退,对主要责任人以及直接责任人按照有关规定进行处理或者处分。

Article 20 Approval shall not be granted for the presented transfer in violation of these Provisions; Those already handled shall be declared void and returned, and the mainly responsible and directly responsible individuals shall be handled or punished in accordance with relevant regulations.

第二十一条  各市县事业单位人事综合管理部门可根据本规定,制定实施细则。

Article 21 The general personnel management departments of public institutions in cities and counties may formulate the detailed rules for implementation in accordance with these Provisions.

第二十二条  本规定由海南省人力资源和社会保障厅负责解释。

Article 22 The Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Hainan Province is responsible for the interpretation of these Provisions.

第二十三条  本规定自发布之日起试行。

Article 23 The Provisions shall come into effect as of the date of promulgation.

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