海南省人力资源和社会保障厅 海南省财政厅 海南省卫生健康委员会 海南省应急管理厅关于印发工伤预防费使用管理暂行办法的通知 Notice of Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Hainan Province, Department of Finance of Hainan Province, Hainan Provincial Health Commission and Department of Emergency Management of Hainan Province on Issuing the Interim Measures for the Use and Management of Work-related Injury Prevention Expenses


海南省人力资源和社会保障厅 海南省财政厅 海南省卫生健康委员会 海南省应急管理厅
Notice of Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Hainan Province, Department of Finance of Hainan Province, Hainan Provincial Health Commission and Department of Emergency Management of Hainan Province on Issuing the Interim Measures for the Use and Management of Work-related Injury Prevention Expenses


Human Resources and Social Security (Personnel, Labor and Social Security) Bureaus, Bureaus of Finance, Health Commissions, Emergency Management Bureaus of Cities, Counties and Yangpu Economic Development Zone, and Social Insurance Administration of Hainan Province,


In order to protect the life safety and health of workers, and standardize the use of work-related injury prevention expenses, we have developed the Interim Measures for the Use and Management of the Use of Work-related Injury Prevention Expenses in Hainan Province in accordance with the Notice of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Finance, National Health and Family Planning Commission and State Administration of Work Safety on Issuing the Interim Measures for the Use and Management of Work-related Injury Prevention Expenses(RSBG [2017] No.13). These Measures are hereby issued to you. Please combine your actual conditions and earnestly implement to promote the work-related injury prevention in an active and steady way.

海南省人力资源和社会保障厅 海南省财政厅

Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Hainan Province and Department of Finance of Hainan Province

海南省卫生健康委员会 海南省应急管理厅

Hainan Provincial Health Commission and Department of Emergency Management of Hainan Province


April 8,2019


(This document is actively disclosed)

Interim Measures for the Use and Management of the Use of Work-related Injury Prevention Expenses in Hainan Province

第一条 为更好地保障职工的生命安全和健康,规范工伤预防费的使用和管理,根据人力资源社会保障部等四部委《关于印发工伤预防费使用管理暂行办法的通知》(人社部规〔2017〕13号),结合我省实际,制定本办法。

Article 1 In order to better protect the life safety and health of workers, and standardize the use and management of work-related injury prevention expenses, we have developed the Interim Measures for the Use and Management of the Use of Work-related Injury Prevention Funds in Hainan Province (hereinafter referred to as these "Measures") in accordance with the Notice of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Finance, National Health and Family Planning Commission and State Administration of Work Safety on Issuing the Interim Measures for the Use and Management of Work-related Injury Prevention Expenses(RSBG [2017] No.13), in addition to the actual conditions of our province.

第二条 本办法所称工伤预防费是指工伤保险基金中依法用于开展工伤预防工作的费用。

Article 2 The work-related injury prevention expenses mentioned in these Measures refer to the expenses of work-related injury insurance funds used for the work-related injury prevention according to law.

第三条 工伤预防费使用管理工作由各级人力资源社会保障部门会同财政、卫健、应急管理部门按照各自职责做好相关工作。

Article 3 The use and management of work-related injury prevention expenses shall be handled by human resources and social security departments at all levels together with departments of finance, health commissions and emergency management departments based upon their respective duties.

第四条 工伤预防费用于下列项目的支出:

Article 4 The work-related injury prevention expenses are used for the following items:


(1) Publicity on the prevention of work-related injury accidents and occupational diseases.


(2)Training regarding the prevention of work-related injury accidents and occupational diseases.

第五条 在保证工伤保险待遇支付能力和储备金留存的前提下,工伤预防费的使用原则上不得超过本地区上年度工伤保险基金征缴收入的3%。因工伤预防工作需要,经省级人力资源社会保障部门和财政部门同意,可以适当提高工伤预防费的使用比例。

Article 5 On the premise of guaranteeing the ability to pay the work-related injury insurance treatment and the retention of reserve funds, the use of work-related injury prevention expenses shall in principle not exceed 3% of the income collected from the local work-related injury insurance funds in the previous year. With the consent of provincial human resources and social security departments and financial departments, the proportion of use of the work-related injury prevention expenses may be increased appropriately due to the work-related injury prevention needs.

第六条 工伤预防费使用实行预算管理。各级社会保险经办机构按照上年度预算执行情况,根据工伤预防工作需要,将工伤预防费列入下一年度工伤保险基金支出预算。具体预算编制按照预算法和社会保险基金预算有关规定执行。

Article 6 The use of work-related injury prevention expenses should practice the budget management. Social security administration departments at all levels shall, in accordance with the implementation of budgets in the previous year and the needs of the work-related injury prevention, include the work-related injury prevention expenses into the expenditure budget of the work-related injury insurance funds in the next year. Specific budgeting shall be executed in accordance with the Budget Law and relevant provisions on budgets for social security funds.

第七条 各级人力资源社会保障部门应会同财政、卫健、应急管理部门以及本辖区内负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门,根据工伤事故伤害、职业病高发的行业、企业、工种、岗位等情况,统筹确定工伤预防的重点领域,并通过适当方式告知社会。

Article 7 Human resources and social security departments at all levels shall, together with departments of finance, health commissions and emergency management departments, as well as departments liable for the supervision and administration of work safety within their jurisdiction, determine key areas of work-related injury prevention based upon the industry, business, type of work, position with the high incidence of work-related injury accident harm and occupational diseases, and inform the community in appropriate ways.

第八条 行业协会和企业等社会组织根据确定的工伤预防重点领域,填写《海南省工伤预防项目申报书》(附件1),于每年工伤保险基金预算编制前提出下一年拟开展的工伤预防项目,编制项目实施方案和绩效目标,每年6月底前向人力资源社会保障部门申报。

Article 8 The industry associations and enterprises and other social organizations should, according to the key areas of work-related injury prevention, fill out the

Declaration for Work-related Injury Prevention Project in Hainan Province

(Annex 1), propose the work-related injury prevention projects to be carried out in the next year before the annual work-related injury insurance fund budgeting, prepare the project implementation program and performance targets, and declare to the human resources and social security departments by the end of June each year.

第九条 各级人力资源社会保障部门会同财政、卫健、应急管理等部门对项目申报情况进行会审并确定项目规模、项目实施方式和验收方式,结合本地区工伤预防重点领域和工伤保险工作重点,以及下一年工伤预防费预算编制情况,统筹考虑工伤预防项目的轻重缓急,于每年9月底前确定纳入下一年度的工伤预防项目,并向社会公布。

Article 9 Human resources and social security departments at all levels shall, together with departments of finance, health commissions and emergency management departments, jointly review the project application and determine the project scale, implementation and acceptance methods, consider the priorities of work-related injury prevention programs by combining with the key areas of work-related injury prevention and the key emphasis of work-related injury insurance in this region, as well as the budgeting of work-related injury prevention expenses in the next year, determine the work-related injury prevention projects to be included in the next year and announce to the community by the end of September each year.


The implementation period of work-related injury prevention projects into the schedule shall not exceed 2 years.

第十条 项目验收方式分为结项验收和评审验收两种。

Article 10 The project acceptance is fallen into two categories: final project acceptance and review acceptance.


The final project acceptance refers to the acceptance opinions  directly formed according to the completion of the service agreement after the completion of work-related injury prevention projects.


Review acceptance refers to the acceptance opinions formed after listening to the project implementation briefing and evaluating the quality and effect, by holding review meeting, field investigation on completion of the work-related injury prevention project. For professional and technical scientific research and other review acceptance projects, third-party intermediary agencies or relevant industry experts can be hired to evaluate and accept the project implementation and the achievement of performance targets in combination with the service agreement, thus forming a review acceptance report.

第十一条 纳入年度计划的工伤预防实施项目,原则上由提出项目的行业协会和企业等社会组织负责组织实施。

Article 11 The work-related injury prevention implementation projects included in the annual plan shall, in principle, be organized and implemented by social organizations such as industry associations and enterprises that propose the projects.


Industry associations, enterprises and other social organizations may implement directly or entrust a third party to implement the project according to the actual situation. In case of direct implementation, they should sign service agreements with social security administration departments, establish internal management mechanism, report progress regularly, and accept supervision and inspection. In the event that a third party is entrusted, the procedures prescribed by the Government Procurement Law and the Law on Public Bidding should be referred to select social and economic organizations and medical and health institutions with appropriate conditions to provide work-related injury prevention services; the third party should sign service contracts with them to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties. The service agreements and service contracts should be reported to human resources and social security department for record.


For work-related injury prevention projects oriented to the society and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, human resources and social security departments, health commissions and emergency management departments at all levels can select institutions rendering the work-related injury prevention services from the well-qualified social and economic organizations and medical and health institutions according to the Government Procurement Law, to promote the implementation of the projects.


If the cost of work-related injury prevention project implemented in accordance with the Government Procurement Law is lower than the open-to-buy standard, the service agency can be determined by agreement.

第十二条 提供工伤预防服务的机构应遵守社会保险法、《工伤保险条例》等相关法律法规规章的规定,并具备以下基本条件:

Article 12 Those rendering work-related injury prevention services shall abide by the Social Insurance Law,Regulation on Work-related Injury Insurances and other laws and regulations, and meet the following basic requirements:


(1)To have the corresponding conditions, and engaged in the publicity, training business for more than two years with good market reputation;


(2)To man the appropriate professionals to implement the work-related injury prevention project;


(3)To have appropriate hardware facilities and technical means; and


(4)Other conditions to be met according to law.

第十三条 对确定实施的工伤预防项目,社会保险经办机构可以根据服务协议或者服务合同的约定,向具体实施工伤预防项目的组织支付30%—70%预付款。具体程序按社会保险基金财务制度、工伤保险业务经办管理等规定执行。

Article 13 For the work-related injury prevention projects implemented, the social security administration departments may, according to the service agreements or the service contracts, pay 30% - 70% advance payments to the specific organizations that have implemented the work-related injury prevention projects. Specific procedures should be handled in accordance with the social insurance fund financial system, work-related injury insurance business handling management regulations.


During the project implementation, the social security administration departments should regularly track the progress of the project implementation, and pay a return visit to the quality control based upon the progress, register and write return visit reports after each return visit.

 第十四条 项目完成后15日内,项目实施单位应向社会保险经办机构提出项目验收申请,并提交以下材料:项目验收申请书(附件2);完整的项目报告;项目实施过程及其成果的有关书面或者音像资料、货物交接凭证、第三方机构的证明等;其他与项目完成情况有关的资料。由社会保险经办机构报人力资源社会保障部门对项目实施情况和绩效目标完成情况进行评估验收。

Article 14 Within 15 days after the completion of the project, the project implementation unit shall lodge the project acceptance application to the social security administration departments and submit the following materials: Project Acceptance Application (Annex 2); a complete project report; written or audio-video recordings related to the project implementation process and results, goods handover vouchers, and certificates issued by third party organizations, etc.; and other information related to the completion of the project. The social security administration departments shall report to the human resources and social security departments for the evaluation and acceptance of the project implementation and the completion of the performance targets.


Project evaluation and acceptance shall be done jointly by human resources and social security departments at all levels, departments of finance, health commissions and emergency management departments, in a team of more than 3 members, according to the service agreement.

第十五条 验收结论分为合格和不合格。

Article 15 The acceptance conclusion is qualified and unqualified.


(1)If the project implementation unit is able to provide qualified goods or services on schedule in accordance with the service agreement or service contract of the work-related injury prevention project, the acceptance should be qualified.


(2)The acceptance shall be deemed as unqualified in any of the following:


1.The project implementation unit fails to perform the contract in accordance with the time, quality, mode and other substantive contents as agreed in the agreement or the service contract;


2.Scientific research or other projects with strong technical expertise are not completed in accordance with the agreement or contract, or there are major deviations in their applicability, rationality or professionalism; and


3.Any other violations of the agreement.

第十六条  经评估验收合格的项目,由社会保险经办机构支付余款。具体程序按社会保险基金财务制度、工伤保险业务经办管理等规定执行。评估验收不合格的,由社会保险经办机构要求实施单位整改,整改完成后重新组织验收。

Article 16 The projects that pass the evaluation acceptance shall be paid the balance by the social security administration departments; Specific procedures should be handled in accordance with the social insurance fund financial system, work-related injury insurance business handling management regulations. otherwise, the social security administration departments may ask the implementation unit to rectify, and subject to acceptance again.

第十七条 工伤预防项目评估验收经费纳入各级人力资源社会保障部门年度部门预算,同级财政予以保障。

Article 17 The funds for evaluation and acceptance of work-related injury prevention projects shall be included in the annual budgets of human resources and social security departments at all levels, and be guaranteed by the departments of finance at the same level.

第十八条 社会保险经办机构要定期向社会公布工伤预防项目实施情况和工伤预防费用使用情况,接受参保单位和社会各界的监督。

Article 18 The social security administration departments should announce the implementation of work-related injury prevention projects and the use of work-related injury prevention expenses regularly to the society, accept the supervision of the insured and all sectors of society.

第十九条 工伤预防服务机构提供的服务不符合法律和合同规定、服务质量不高的,三年内不得从事工伤预防项目。

Article 19 If the services provided by the work-related injury prevention services do not conform to the laws and contracts and/or with low quality of service, no work-related injury prevention project are allowed within three years.


Where the work-related injury prevention services have committed fraud or swindled work-related injury insurance funds, they should be seriously dealt with according to the laws, regulations and other rules, and be listed in the social insurance credit "blacklist".

第二十条  各市县人力资源社会保障部门根据工伤预防工作具体情况,经财政、卫健、应急管理部门同意,委托上级人力资源社会保障部门统一开展工伤预防工作。

Article 20 The human resources and social security departments of all cities and counties shall, according to the specific conditions of the work-related injury prevention and with the consent of the departments of finance  health commissions and emergency management departments, entrust the superior human resources and social security departments to carry out the work-related injury prevention uniformly.

第二十一条  各级人力资源社会保障部门和社会保险经办机构可以根据本办法制定具体经办规程或具体措施。

Article 21  Human resources and social security departments and social security administration departments at all levels may formulate specific handling procedures or measures in accordance with these Measures.

第二十二条 本办法自印发之日起施行。此前与本办法不一致的以本办法为准。

Article 22  These Measures shall come into force as of the date of issuance. In case of any inconsistency between the previous regulations and these Measures, these Measures shall prevail.

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